Ski into the wild lands and silent forests with us as we share both top tips and inspiration for winter hunting.

What is Skinbased skiing? Choosing your Skinbased adventure
So what actually is Skinbased skiing? Simply put, it is cross-country skiing off the tracks. Just put the skis on and see where they take you. For a more specific definition, we must consider the objective, terrain, and style of skiing involved. Below we have listed some of the more common experiences to be had on Skinbased skis. Through experimentation, you will determine your own favorite way to enjoy the wonderful winter! We hope that the ideas and examples below will help you make the most of your time on skis this season.

Nature, neige folle et découverte du ski-raquette Skinbased
Lorsqu’on marie le ski de randonnée et la raquette, on obtient le ski-raquette. Les skis-raquettes comme tels sont en fait la combinaison d’un ski et d’une raquette. Ils ressemblent à des skis et glissent comme ceux-ci, mais vous font flotter et grimper comme des raquettes.